Canal Flatties

Canal Flatties

Friday, March 29, 2013

Field and Stream Tec Lite Rod Review

        Unfortunately, my alarm didn't go off this morning, so I ended up waking up at my usual time and going to school, rather than fishing a little bit before I had to catch the bus. I did manage to get down to the ponds this evening to try out my rod though. I fished a small 3" Rebel Floater for some bass. I managed to catch one, and was very pleased with how the rod handled the fish, it was about a 1 pound fish, and even though the ultralight has a very light tip, there is a decent back bone to back it up. The fish weren't being very active today, so that was the only fish I caught. Anyways, on to a more in depth look at the rod's performance.
        I have the 5'6" one piece ultralight model. I have only fished with one rod with micro guides before, and it didn't work so well, but the first casting guide it had was too small  so the line slapped around in it and couldn't flow freely. This rod however, has perfectly sized guides, and I was able to cast a trout magnet 15-20 yards with no weight using 4 pound mono, much further than with my last Field and Stream rod, which would get around 10-15 yards with the same set up. The micro guides also help keep the casts more accurate and controllable. The action of the tip is moderately fast, I prefer very fast actions in everything I use, except ultra lights.  This is because when 2-4lb test lines are being used, a hook set that is too fast can snap the line, but a slower action rod tip helps make the hook sets more gradual, and that is easier on the lines. The only thing I didn't like is that I couldn't use 2 hands to cast very easily because of the split grip handle. The split grip is something I am not used to, but I have a feeling that with time I will be able to adapt to it. Thanks for reading!

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