Canal Flatties

Canal Flatties

Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall Brook Trout Fishing

    I went on an overnight camping trip this weekend, and had high expectations in terms of brook trout. I fished a private stretch of creek, although there is public water below it (that is all I will say about location). The campsite is on the top of the mountain, and can only be reached via 4 wheel drive for about an hour up a rather intimidating washed out gravel road, and the stream is on the other side. We arrived at around 2:30 on Saturday afternoon, and my brothers and I headed to the creek about an hour later after setting up camp. It takes about half an hour to get to creek, and much longer to get back since it is straight uphill, so we only had an hour and a half to fish.
    We all carried rather sinful devices (spinning rods) for the brookies, but the chances of breaking a fly rod are simply too high for me to want to take a chance with my 3 weight. The fish there must not receive much influence from other anglers, because we caught all of our fish on trout magnets and every fish would attack as if they had never seen food before. I landed 40 brookies in the 90 minutes we fished on Saturday, which is absolutely phenomenal, and my brothers landed just as many as I did!
   After experiencing a night of 30-50mph gusts, and near-freezing temperatures while curled up in a sleeping bag attempting to be warm (it didn't work), we headed back to the creek. Our dad came with us this time to get some photos (he didn't pack a rod) of the gorgeous spawning fish. He was actually able to sneak close enough to photograph fish that were active over their redds. We were more meticulous this time around, and targeted the larger fish, because small fish would hit just about every other cast and it gets tiring after a while, I got to the point where I quit setting the hook unless it was a decent trout. In 2 hours, I landed 36 brookies, and my brothers did incredibly well also. I have plenty of pictures, and hopefully those can tell a better story than my writing. Thanks for reading!


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