Canal Flatties

Canal Flatties

Saturday, December 29, 2012

This Weather...

      The weather here in Virginia hasn't been too spectacular lately. A large percentage of the days have been consumed by rain, sleet, and snow. I managed to get out for some goose hunting a few times, but the birds wouldn't cooperate and I was miserable sitting there watching geese through the thick walls of fog, snow, and sleet as they looked at the decoys and headed to greener pastures. Right now I am staying in Abingdon, and the weather couldn't be worse. Sleet, snow, rain, and high winds. If I can convince my parents, maybe I can hang into some rainbows and browns on Whitetop Laurel today. Tomorrow isn't supposed to be too glorious either, but I'm going to catch trout, mother nature can suggest that I shouldn't go, but I have been known to fish in some crazy weather and hopefully this is as bad as it will get (knock on wood haha), Well the clouds are breaking up... All I can say is that my fingers are crossed and hopefully I can take a fishing trip worth writing about. Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the weather improves and that you bring back some large rainbows or whatever....Keep us posted....